women's spring breakfast
April 5th from 9:30am-11:00am
While reconnecting with old friends and making new ones, we'll have fun in community over breakfast and most importantly; time in the Word of God. This event is for women 18+.
Questions? Email Women@ParkValleyChurch.com
NO Childcare available.
*Registration fee of $10
Our Women’s Ministry of Park Valley Church exists to be a welcoming environment where women can foster authentic connections that promote spiritual growth. We seek to encourage women in all seasons of their life to develop deeper relationships with God and each other.

Women's Counseling Small Group
At The William Floyd Counseling Center
Every other Tuesday, April 1 - May 27th 7:00-9:00PM
OR Every other Wednesday, April 2 - May 28th 11:00AM - 1:00PM
Cost: $125/woman
Hi women! Are you feeling “stuck?” Pretending everything is fine when you know it isn’t? Join us for this 5-session group to learn how to find your freedom in Christ while improving your emotional health and communication skills. Using the book, Emotionally Healthy Woman by Geri Scazzero as a guide, we will learn what thinking patterns we need to “quit” to move us forward in our lives. In an intimate group limited to no more than 8 women, we will learn together what freedom in Christ means as we move beyond superficial faith into a deeper walk with the Lord. This exciting study will be led by Cindy Foulke, a Board-Certified Advanced Life Coach who works with the William Floyd Counseling Center.All sessions will be in person at held at William Floyd Counseling Center in Gainesville The cost is $125 per person. Important…please purchase your book on your own before the first group meeting. If you are interested in joining this group, please email info@williamfloydcenter.com. This is a small therapy group that will fill up quickly.