"Right Now" was written from a heart of knowing we can worship and pray to God with confidence. We wanted our church to have a song of worship where they could declare that their full faith is in God. That they can stand in confidence in a God who made the sun stand still, and in a God who made the storm stand still! God tells us to never be afraid and to have faith in Him. Because we worship a God who is all-powerful and who has done so many amazing things, we can go to Him boldly asking for miracles to happen. We also can go to Him boldly asking for guidance, strength, healing, and so much more.
God's word, His truth, never ends! He is everlasting and He is faithful, and we pray that every time you sing this song you are reminded that you can go boldly to God and that you can always stand in confidence in His word.

Jesus died, but He isn't dead! That is because Jesus rose from the dead. Resurrection happened! That is what sets apart Christianity from every other religion in the world - we serve a God who's alive! Jesus is living and reigning today. We believe that this truth is foundational to Christianity, and it is the reason we wrote “Died Not Dead.” We are loved by a King in Jesus, who humbled Himself and laid down His life for us. What other king would do that? No one but Jesus! He died, He rose, He Lives!

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Park Valley's Worship team leads with a commitment to facilitate encountering God through music. We strive to create an environment where individuals can connect with God authentically, express their faith, and experience His presence. Our aim is to lead with humility, sensitivity, and excellence, allowing worship to leave our hearts and minds changed to God and open to receiving His message.